My 3 healthy snack favorites that keeps me ripped

Is healthy and delicious even possible or is it just a poor, dry, boring excuse for a real dessert when you're craving some sugar. You don't have to talk to me about dessert or sugar, I am the queen of dessert! I wasn't satisfied by many of the "healthy snacks" I found online so my cravings along with my new workout plan forced me to get creative, and here are the winners!

My 3 healthy snack favorites that keeps me ripped

I absolutely love chocolate and I also love some fresh, citrus-y, fruity desserts every now and then. I've got my cravings and after a delicious dinner, I love to celebrate that dinner with a coffee and some sweets. A few years ago when I started OMAD (a fasting variation that's called One Meal A Day) I suddenly realized that I can actually fit so much more of the sweets into my diet without it affecting me so much in calorie surplus. I don't count calories, I do what we call some good ol' "guesstimating" but I do of course have a healthy control over the amount of macros and micros. Now since sweets are the meaning of my life, I need to make it delicious but also healthy. I don't want to eat crap, I respect my body. And sweet tastes are natural to us humans, just look at nature, fruit is growing in the wild, easy for us to grab and eat. 

Without going into details, here's my top 3 sweets that are healthy and so so so delish!
And hey, don't judge them now because of the headlines, I had to be creative fast ;)

1. Banana hazelnut tops

This one is a stupid simple 3-ingredient yummy snack

Slice banana into thick slices, stand them up on a plate
Put a little chunk of desired nut butter on top (hazelnut and almond is my favorite)
Add a pecan nut on top (or of course, any other nut you prefer)
Sprinkle vanilla on top if you want.


2. Lemon honey balls

You need:

1. Mix the nuts only until its almost fine flour. You don't have to do this if you want chunkier bits but I think the lemon balls get so chewy and gets the perfect consistency with this method.

2. Add everything else but the hemp seeds.

3. Mix until everything is well mixed and you get a batter that starts to detach from the edges. Stop mixing and try to roll a ball and see if it's firm and has the right texture.
If it's too soft, add more nuts or almond flour
If it's too dry, add more dates.

Then get rollin' and store in fridge. Keeps well for about a week or two.

3. Almond butter porrige

This one is super simple, other than porrige you need
Dried fruits (These blueberries with apple juice are my faaaave)
Your favorite nut butter

Cook until desired consitency and then on the sides, just like a pole bowl, add:

1 tbsp nut butter (hazel, almond or peanut)
Sliced banana
Diced fruit or dried fruit of choice
Sprinkle with vanilla powder and agave/honey or anything sweet of choice



4. Date Boats

This one is the simplest and gets you hooked!

But an almond inside a date. That's it!


5. Smoothie Bowl

Make a smoothie (Download my SMOOTHIEGUIDEN for FREE here)
Pour into a bowl and add:

  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sliced banana
  • Nut butter
  • Berries

More stupid simple snack tips

  • Coconut yoghurt with berries, agave and seeds
  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Super dark chocolate and almonds
  • Fruit bowl with vanilla or any other spice and seeds and nuts
  • Sliced banana bowl with seeds and agave

If you want to embark on a health journey...

I've written a guide to raw, vegan food and snacks, and I will share some recipes here soon!



Den ideologiska infiltrationen |DEL 2 av serien om Queer Theory|

31 August 2024

I denna del av artikelserien granskar vi hur queerteori, som en gång var en akademisk disciplin med ett smalt fokus på kön och sexualitet, nu har integrerats i det svenska utbildningssystemet. Jag visar hur dessa ideologiska perspektiv påverkar våra skolor och det innehåll som undervisas till våra barn. Medan teorin syftar till att främja jämlikhet och inkludering, så väcker dess införande frågor om indoktrinering, förvirring bland elever och en potentiell konflikt med traditionella värderingar och religiös frihet.

Queerteorins becksvarta grundpelare

28 August 2024

I denna första del av min artikelserie avslöjar jag den sanna naturen bakom Queer Theory och hur denna ideologi har influerat och förvrängt utbildningssystemet och samhällsdebatten. Genom att granska nyckelpersonerna bakom teorin – Michel Foucault, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, Judith Butler och Hakim Bey – avslöjar jag deras kopplingar till kontroversiella och farliga idéer som pedofili och incest.

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22 August 2024

Under det senaste året har jag fått många mail från föräldrar som önskar hjälp gällande den nya läroplanen där sexualundervisning har fått stor fokus och flyttat in i alla ämnen. Många föräldrar rapporterar om extrem sexualundervisning i unga åldrar samt lektioner som handlar om porr, queer theory och könsförvirrande samtal med barn.