Tomorrow we bring the light

Stop taking scraps from their table and stop being grateful for scraps they throw your way. Their worst nightmares are about to be materialized, which is people waking up, knowing their worth.

Tomorrow we bring the light

I am going to repeat this until you get it: Everything good that happens to you will start happening when you say no to scraps and stop being grateful for the bare minimum.
This is true for friends, this is true for parents, this is true for partners and this is true for your government. ”Are we going there again, Aida?” Yes we are. And I am not stopping until you realize your power. How big is your power exactly? I’ll show you in a minute.

There is a huge demonstration against c-passports in several countries and cities tomorrow. I am in Stockholm today, enjoying a hotel weekend and a couple of Old Fashioned with my man. Today I was interviewed by the local radio and they asked me why I was going to attend. I replied ”Because every human with a basic level of intelligence knows why.”
Yesterday I saw a post, someone was happy because the ”police authorized the demonstration”. I laughed so hard I spit out my coffee when I read it. They AUTHORIZED IT? Really!? I’d be so happy to see what’d happen if they didn’t. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND angry people, sick of being treated like idiots and homeless dogs are walking right into Stockholm. If you gather every policeman in the whole country they couldn’t do anything about it. And they AUTHORIZE it? Gee, thanks.

They are scared and they have no other options than let you believe they authorize anything. They are not in a position to authorize anything. We have taken the power back, the power we had all along and they know it. Now they are scared there will be chaos. And they know we can’t be controlled. This is what I’ve been talking about all along. The power is with the people, has always been and will always be. Today they said they authorized a demonstration for 3000 people. You already know they will try to make it sound like it was a small demonstrations with a little group of people. The media does what the media does. But the worms are out of the cans. No lie can be hidden for long.

What is going on right now is you are taken away your basic human rights from you and you are driven to depression, anxiety, ruined relationships and desperation. Then, they give you one tiny little thing back and you are happy as hell. That is abuse.
It’s like taking away all toys from a child and tell them that when they’re obedient they will start getting things back, but you give them only one toy at a time. And they are grateful and happy. That’s manipulation.

They CAN NOT authorize you your human rights. They are your BORN HUMAN RIGHTS. No government can take that away from you and no law, pandemic or anything can take your rights away from you.

Stop taking scraps from their table and stop being grateful for scraps they throw your way. Their worst nightmares are about to be materialized, which is people waking up, knowing their worth.

Tomorrow, you get up, you look into the mirror and you see it. The sovereign, free, human being that you are.
And tomorrow we bring all the light and power we’re made of.
Tomorrow we bring it back, never to give it away again.


Den ideologiska infiltrationen |DEL 2 av serien om Queer Theory|

31 August 2024

I denna del av artikelserien granskar vi hur queerteori, som en gång var en akademisk disciplin med ett smalt fokus på kön och sexualitet, nu har integrerats i det svenska utbildningssystemet. Jag visar hur dessa ideologiska perspektiv påverkar våra skolor och det innehåll som undervisas till våra barn. Medan teorin syftar till att främja jämlikhet och inkludering, så väcker dess införande frågor om indoktrinering, förvirring bland elever och en potentiell konflikt med traditionella värderingar och religiös frihet.

Queerteorins becksvarta grundpelare

28 August 2024

I denna första del av min artikelserie avslöjar jag den sanna naturen bakom Queer Theory och hur denna ideologi har influerat och förvrängt utbildningssystemet och samhällsdebatten. Genom att granska nyckelpersonerna bakom teorin – Michel Foucault, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, Judith Butler och Hakim Bey – avslöjar jag deras kopplingar till kontroversiella och farliga idéer som pedofili och incest.

Ditt inflytande som förälder i den nya läroplanen

22 August 2024

Under det senaste året har jag fått många mail från föräldrar som önskar hjälp gällande den nya läroplanen där sexualundervisning har fått stor fokus och flyttat in i alla ämnen. Många föräldrar rapporterar om extrem sexualundervisning i unga åldrar samt lektioner som handlar om porr, queer theory och könsförvirrande samtal med barn.