As always, I will never tell you what to do with your body. I am and have never been anti vaccine. I am however always against taking uninformed decisions and having uninformed opinions, which is right now destroying families and relationships. I don't care what you do with your body.
I am and have never been anti vaccine. I am however always against taking uninformed decisions and having uninformed opinions, which is right now destroying families and relationships. I don't care what you do with your body, I only care about how we treat each other in the process.
We are currently seeing people without their social masks, the masks they put on and have been putting on everyday as long as we can remember. So if you feel like people have gone mad lately because of this so called pandemic, they haven't. What you're seeing is their real self. When they are stripped down of their masks and their fears are revealed.
My job right now is mainly consisting of talking to people about several mental health issues, anxiety problems and suicidal thoughts caused by isolations, restrictions and basically not knowing how our nearest future will look like. For me this has been a real eye opener lately. How we use our minds, how we control and are controlled by fears and how to reprogram our thoughts have never been this important as it is now. This is why my focus is very much highlighted on this lately. Because this is so madly important.
I recently did a video on suicide groups. If you haven't seen it, do it! You may know someone that is being drawn to these groups and we need to do whatever we can to help each other right now.
More and more people had enough of all of this. Seeing the statistics and all the facts that are coming forward, we cannot defend these restrictions anymore. Many people will never be the same after all of this. A lot of us have lost family or friends, relationships that can never be repaired. But a good thing is, we have had a chance to get to know the people closest to us really, really good. I know you might feel lonely, and I know you might think that you can't do this anymore.
But you can, we are very close to the end of all of this. Just know that the world and the future is about to be very, very beautiful after this. We have teared down a lot of structures that we have seen is not working.
A much better life is upon us. And I need you to stay and help me make this happen.
I denna del av artikelserien granskar vi hur queerteori, som en gång var en akademisk disciplin med ett smalt fokus på kön och sexualitet, nu har integrerats i det svenska utbildningssystemet. Jag visar hur dessa ideologiska perspektiv påverkar våra skolor och det innehåll som undervisas till våra barn. Medan teorin syftar till att främja jämlikhet och inkludering, så väcker dess införande frågor om indoktrinering, förvirring bland elever och en potentiell konflikt med traditionella värderingar och religiös frihet.
I denna första del av min artikelserie avslöjar jag den sanna naturen bakom Queer Theory och hur denna ideologi har influerat och förvrängt utbildningssystemet och samhällsdebatten. Genom att granska nyckelpersonerna bakom teorin – Michel Foucault, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, Judith Butler och Hakim Bey – avslöjar jag deras kopplingar till kontroversiella och farliga idéer som pedofili och incest.
Under det senaste året har jag fått många mail från föräldrar som önskar hjälp gällande den nya läroplanen där sexualundervisning har fått stor fokus och flyttat in i alla ämnen. Många föräldrar rapporterar om extrem sexualundervisning i unga åldrar samt lektioner som handlar om porr, queer theory och könsförvirrande samtal med barn.