Health starts from within

Fitness & Health

Does health and fitness need coaching? You tell me.
Do you respect and love your body? Do you eat like you do or do you eat unhealthy foods and then feel bad about it? How is your relationship with food in general? Do you get fresh air and movement everyday? These are all questions that will either give you a positive or a negative feeling. Confidence is important to be able for higher goals in life. We constantly give ourselves what we believe we deserve. Not all apps or fitness programs work for everyone and coach can help you with a plan that works for you by working on your belief system and steps that will work in your life.

Online Training Program

Coming soon

Health strategy coaching

Identify your roadblocks and set a new strategy

Wow, du gav mig verkligen inspiration om att inte tänka "jag ger upp nu" & istället tänka "hur löser jag detta". TACK!
Johanna Knudsen
Nosta Café
För första gången i mitt liv har jag satt upp mål för kommande år. Vissa lättare än andra. Och allt tack vare dig! Tack som fan för att du är en sån inspirationskälla och kan ge den där extra sparken när den behövs. Tack, tack, tack!!
Emma Arlid
IKEA Fastigheter
Jag ville bara säga TACK och WOW vilket program du skrivit, så inspirerande och motiverande!
Frida Salerud
See which strategy is best for your challenges

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